Can I ejaculate in the love doll?

This may be a question of some people. Obviously, you can ejaculate in a love doll. But you have to think about the issues afterwards. After ejaculating in a doll, it will be troublesome to clean up, which will waste a lot of your time, especially for sex dolls that have a fixed vagina.

Sex doll vaginas are usually divided into two types, one is a fixed vagina, the vagina and the doll are one. The other is a movable vagina, which is separated from the doll.

Sex dolls with movable vaginas have many advantages. For example, it is easy to clean, and once damaged, it can be disassembled and replaced. Some people like sex dolls with fixed vaginas, which are more real. But cleanup is a problem. If you do not ejaculate inside the doll, or use a condom, then it will be easier to clean up. You really don't need to do anything.

If I want to ejaculate inside the doll, how can I clean it in this case? Doll manufacturers always recommend thorough cleaning after use to remove any human objects. High quality TPE sex dolls may require more care than silicone sex dolls, but the recommendations are the same, clean and dry.

You can buy some dry sticks to help clean up, they do a good job of drying any cavity. Most online stores, such as Amazon, can easily find them. You can search for "diatom sticks" or "diatomaceous earth sticks". It can be used multiple times, after using it, leave it in the sun for a few hours to give them a new look. They are very small and delicate, so use them with care. If necessary, you can buy more as a spare.

Use some straight lock pliers and some carefully folded paper towels, paper towels and/or sponges, and then insert a dry stick to clean the sex doll. I believe that there will be no more mold or bacteria in the sex doll.

Before you insert it, it is necessary to use lubricating oil, but you still need to wash her off. Leaving the lubricating oil, even without any biological components, still has the risk of ruining the doll, because if the lubricating oil alone does not dry out or disappear magically, it will remain moist and attract bacteria and mold spores.

If you don't have much time to clean up, buy a huge tits sex doll with a removable vagina. Even if you ejaculate inside, it will definitely be easier to clean up. But anyway, I still recommend thorough cleaning.

Usually, I plan my "end" based on how much time I have to clean up. Ha ha!